I am a Professor at Istanbul Medeniyet University, Faculty of Political Sciences, in Istanbul, Turkey.
I am also an affiliate of the CESifo Research Network, an expert of the Economics Observatory (ECO) and a fellow of the Global Labor Organization (GLO).
I have worked at Ghent University and the University of California, Irvine, as a visiting scholar.
I have been listed in the IDEAS/RePEc Economist Rankings (Among Top 1% Authors, Last 10 Years Publications) & IDEAS/RePEc Top Young Economists (15 years or less).
My research interests include a variety of topics in Applied Econometrics, Climate Change Economics, Financial Economics, International Economics, and Political Economy.
I have published almost 100 papers in the Web of Science (SSCI and SCIE) indexed journals, including Annals of Tourism Research, Energy Economics, European Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Human Capital, Journal of Travel Research, and Public Choice.
22nd Annual Conference of the European Trade Study Group (Online)
September 9–11, 2021, Ghent, Belgium
15th Workshop on
Political Economy
November 26-27, 2021, Dresden, Germany
CESifo Area Conference on Energy and Climate Economics 2022
March 4–5, 2022, Munich, Germany
Gozgor, G., & Paramati, S. (2021). Does Energy Diversification Cause an Economic Slowdown? Evidence from a Newly Constructed Energy Diversification Index. CESifo Working Paper, No. 9247, Münich: CESifo.
Countries have made considerable efforts to diversify their energy sources from fossil fuels to renewables in the last two decades to achieve sustainable economic development. However, it is widely argued that the countries may experience sluggish economic development during the energy transition period due to structural and functional changes in the economic system. Given this backdrop, this study introduces a new measure of energy diversification. It explores its impact on economic development across the panels of low-income, high-income, European Union (EU), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and G20 countries. The study uses data from 1995 to 2018 and utilizes Nonlinear Panel Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NPARDL) method. Our findings confirm that the major economies (including G20) realize positive economic growth with increasing long-run energy diversification. However, some countries (OECD and G20) experience negative economic growth due to energy diversification in the short term. The results also disclosed that energy diversification does not favor economic growth in low-income economies in both the short and long term. Therefore, more precautionary measures to be taken into account while diversifying energy sources.
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